By filling out the waiver, you are agreeing to abide by the following rules.


  1. Only 1 axe thrown per target at a time
  2. Closed toe shoes are required – no high heels
  3. Spectators are not allowed within 10 feet of throwing lane
  4. Intoxicated or suspected patrons will not be allowed to throw
  5. Axes and throwers must stay within throwing lane
  6. Never hand an axe to the next thrower – return axes to designated resting place
  7. Be aware of your surroundings. No swinging, gesturing or flipping of the axe
  8. Ask the throwing coach for help if needed to retrieve axe
  9. Lanes with dual throwers must throw at the same time and retrieve at the same time
  10. Axe must be at rest (not moving) before retrieving
  11. Keep your hands off of the surrounding fencing or barriers
  12. Inform the throwing coach if the axe head feels loose at any time
  13. Check over your shoulder & make sure area is clear before throwing the axe
  14. No trick shots
  15. No aggressive throwing
  16. No profanity
  17. Must be 13 years old or older to throw